
Yamaha TX16W Manuals

These are the service and user manuals for the Yamaha TX16W. Given that you should pretty much *never* use the original OS unless you're a serious masochist, I'm also including mirrors of the Typhoon OS manual as well as the Typhoon2000 manual update.

TX16W User Manual
TX16W Service Manual
Typhoon OS User Manual
Typhoon2000 Manual Update

Yamaha DX27/DX27S/DX100 Manuals

Service, user, and programming manuals for the classic Yamaha 4 Op keyboards. I found the service manual less than useful when repairing my DX27, but hey.

DX27 User Manual
DX27/DX100 Service Manual
DX27/DX27S/DX100 Voice Programming Guide

Ensoniq ESQ-1

Ensoniq ESQ-1 User Manual
Ensoniq ESQ-1 Service Manual

Roland SP-808/SP-808EX Manuals

The difference between the SP-808 and SP-808EX is slight, so I'm lumping these together under one heading.

Roland SP-808/SP-808Pro Service Manual
Roland SP-808EX User Manual